Product Page Tabs, Product Tagging Support & Filtering by Product Tag - ZEST Scoop July 2021

A smooth and effortless user experience is essential for a great customer experience. 88% of adults are less likely to return to a website after a bad user experience. This includes poorly organised product displays. Here are a few ZEST features that help you manage and display your products effectively.

Product Page Tabs
Product Page Tabs make it easy to flick through the detailed product information. Multiple headings in separate tabs contain different types of content that provide bite-sized pieces of information. Customers can easily click through the different tabs in the product description without leaving the page. Contact our support team to get this set up on your ZEST website.
Contact our support team to get this set up on your ZEST website.

Product Tagging Support
Product tags can help keep your products organised and also make inventory tracking easier. They are keyword descriptions that categorise your inventory. Tagged products allow the presentation of additional information on product pages and filtering for specific products. Tagging is now easier with the Product Tagging Support feature. The tagging interface allows you to enter any word and supports autocomplete to assist with the regulation of tags. If you need assistance with tagging your products please get in touch with our support team.

Filtering by Product Tag
Product tags can also be helpful for website visitors and help them quickly find the products that they are interested in. This has a big impact on ecommerce conversion rates. The Filtering by Product Tag feature sets up filtering based on options within different products, for example sizes like small, medium, and large. A visitor can then filter products by choosing a tag, for example 'large'. This saves users a lot of time as they don’t have to browse through products that don't meet their needs or requirements. You can filter by brand, colour, material, finish, or any other relevant element. Simply tag products with what you want to filter by, and then set up filters to match those values.

Both the Product Tagging Support feature and the Filtering by Product Tag feature can be activated on the admin backend. However, if you need additional assistance, please get in touch with our support team.