Protected Component

You may need to contact our Support Team to ask them to enable the protected component on your website

Members are assigned to a group and the protected content is added to an existing page of the website. Options associated with the protected component allow you to specify particular groups that may access the content.

The protected component may contain content such as links to files, links to other pages in the website, links to other websites, images and other types of components such as a forms.

The protected component may be setup using the following steps:

Setup protected component

  1. Create the page that you wish to display the protected information on
  2. Edit the page in Live Edit Mode
  3. Add a add_new.gifNew component to the pageAdd_new_component.gif
  4. In the Adding new Component into the main Region window, enter a name for the component and Check the Add a new component option. From the Type drop down, select the Protected option under the Membership area
  5. Click OK. This loads the Protected Area options form.
  6. Set the Who can access this content. Choose from the following options
    > Restrict to specific Customer groups
    > Restrict to Logged-in users
    > Only show to first time users
  7. Set the Customer groups that you would like users who belong to, to access the protected content. Multiple groups may be specified by entering each group on a new line
  8. Specify How to protect content Select Show or hide content if a match is found, OR redirect if no authorisation exists.
  9. If Redirect is chosen, a Redirect url or page from the website should be specified to send the user to, who does not have the authorisation required.
  10. Select OK to save the component. To add content to the protected component you will need to add a component within the Protected component. You may add a content block or a form.
Members must be added to the protected groups by the website administrator. Please see Customers Groups for more information.