Once you have your Excel spreadsheet, save two copies of it – one as the original and one as the working document to which you will add your groups
You will see that there is a column headed Groups. To allocate a customer to a group you must type the exact Customer Group Code (not the Name) in this column
Go to the administration end of the website
Click on the Customers tab
Click on the Customer Groups tab
Here you will see all of the groups that have already been created. If you have not yet created the group you wish to assign the customer to, follow the steps How to Create a New Customer Group
Find the group in the list and take note of the code in the left hand column – not the name, e.g. "NewCustomers2011" Please note: If the code is more than one word, there will be an underscore “_” separating each word
Go back to the Excel spreadsheet
Type the exact code into the Group column corresponding with the customer you wish to assign to that group
You may now copy and paste that code to assign any other customers to that group
To assign a customer to more than one group, you must put each additional group name in a new line by pressing ALT + ENTER
Once you have assigned your customers to groups, save the spreadsheet
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