
Allows you to Highlight an item to stand out from all the other items on your website. Examples of promotions include:

  • Sale!
  • Special
  • New Item
  • Clearance
  • End of line
  • Featured item

How does it work?

Any item may have a promotion applied to it. Promotions must be set up specifically for an item


  1. Edit an item in website edit mode
  2. Select the Promotion tab
  3. Select a predefined Promotion style or create a new one
  4. Enter a discount if relevant
  5. You can automatically "turn off" your promotion by setting it to "timed" and specifying a start and end date

The promotions styles are templated and use set colours designed to highlight the item. For example a new item promotion will display in green and a specials promotion will display in yellow.

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