Please note: You may need to clear your cookies and cache if you have set a promotion but can't see it from the front end!
Learn how to set up an existing promotion
Learn how to set up a new promotion
Learn how to set up a promotions page that automatically updates
Using the product spreadsheet import to add promotions
Set up an existing promotion
- Click on the Items tab
- Find the item you want to add a promotion to and click on it
Please note: It may be necessary to click on the plus icon next to the item category to view all the items assigned to the category
- This will highlight the item and show the options that may be performed on it. Click on Edit item
- Select the Promotions tab
- Find the existing promotions you can use in the dropdown box, e.g. "Special Offer"
- Enter the discount (if any)
Please note: Do not include a $ sign. For percentage discounts enter the number followed by %.
If you are using the product spreadsheet to update your promotions for percentage discounts on the spreadsheet you will need to enter an apostrophe before you enter the number followed by % for example '30%.
- You can select if the promotion is timed. Select Yes from the dropdown box and enter the start and end day of the promotion if you want it to be timed
- Click Save
- The promotion you set up for your item will now appear in the front end of the website
Set up a new promotion
- Click on the Items tab
- Find the item you want to add a promotion to and click on it
Please note: It may be necessary to click on the plus icon next to the item category to view all the items assigned to the category
- This will highlight the item and show the options that may be performed on it. Click on Edit item
- Select the Promotions tab
- Click the Add link right next to the dropdown box
- Enter the name of the promotion you want to create, e.g. "Sale!"
- Click Save
- The Item list will open by default. You will need to navigate back to the items promotion page by clicking on the items SKU
- You can now select the new promotion from the dropdown box
- Enter the discount (if any)
Please note: Do not include a $ sign. For percentage discounts enter the number followed by %
- You can select if the promotion is timed. Select Yes from the dropdown box and enter the start and end day of the promotion if you want it to be timed
- Click Save
- The promotion you set up for your item will now appear in the front end of the website
Set up a "Specials" or "New Item" page
You might want to create a "Specials" page or a "New Item" page, i.e. displays all items with a promotion applied. This would be great to keep attracting repeat visits as they can keep checking the "Specials" page or a "New Items" page to see what is currently on special or new
For example:
To add this into your site's navigation
- Click on the Content tab
- Click on Add new top-level link
- Enter a name, e.g. "Today's Specials"
- Click on Select a link
- Select area:// from the protocol and enter: shop/specials/1
- Click OK
Use the product spreadsheet to add promotions
Please note this requires the product import/export function. If you don't have this on your website, you can
purchase the add-on.
Make sure you create a promotion on one of your items in the website first, then export the spreadsheet. This way you can see what format the data (e.g. the date format) needs to be entered in.
- Export the product spreadsheet (see the help page if you're unsure).
- On the spreadsheet there are 6 fields relating to promotions, which you can use:
Promotion Discount - The value of the discount - write $20 or '20%, depending on the type of discount you want (note you MUST add the apostrophe for % discounts otherwise the value won't be recognised as a percentage).
Promotion Type - The name/label of the promotion e.g. 'Special Offer'.
Promotion Text - this field is no longer used, leave blank.
Promotion Timed - Is this a timed promotion? Type 1 for yes, otherwise leave blank.
Promotion Start Date - when the promotion begins
Promotion End Date - when the promotion ends
- Save and import the spreadsheet back into the website.