Measuring internal search with Google Analytics

Once you have set up Google Analytics, there are a few things that can and should do to improve the data. For example tracking internal search. Internal search is valuable information because it tells you what your customers are looking for on your website. You can check the most common searches and ensure that you have the relevant information at hand. It may prove to be excellent market research and let you know what products and services you might be able to provide your customers.
To track internal search please follow these directions:





Step 3.


To know what query parameter, go to a website’s search box and type any term or product. The results’ URL will look like this For WordPress sites query parameter is usually “s”, for zest sites it’s “q”. 

When viewing data, go to Behaviour > Site Search > Search Terms this should show the terms that people are using for internal search 


Modify the date range above to see what customers are searching for on your website on certain dates.