Welcome back! We hope you had a great holiday that enabled you to recharge those batteries! This is our first newsletter for 2015 - where does the time go! In March we've got another client seminar/workshop at our Auckland and Christchurch offices all about setting and achieving your goals, be sure to check it out.
This year we are featuring one client each month, who we think is doing something pretty cool. If you would like to be featured, email sarah.gleeson@zeald.com.
NZ Muscle was started in 2006 by Dion while he was still in university. They specialize in sports nutrition and bodybuilding supplements, stocking many well known brands from around the world, with the backing of a knowledgeable and passionate team
The aim of their website is mainly online sales, but they include nice personal touches and samples with their orders to keep their customers coming back. Many Zeald staff enjoy receiving their order from NZ Muscle which includes a note from the person who packed their order. NZ Muscle also reward customers using a loyalty points system, which saves them money on their next purchase.
When a visitor arrives at your website the first thing they will often ask themselves, either consciously or subconsciously is: "What does this business offer me?" |
Your homepage should always aim to answer your websit visitor's questions, before they've even asked them. You have about 3 seconds to make this impression. Read More |
FORMATTING WITH ZEALD CMSAfter working hard on the design of your website, you want to ensure it is looking its best.An easy way to do this, is to make sure your text is formatted properly. WATCH THE VIDEO >> |
EMAIL MARKETING6 ways to increase email marketing. READ ON >> |
ON THE GO?Scan your documents using your smartphone GET THE APP |
LINKEDIN FOR BUSINESSDon't dismiss LinkedIn as another social media fad, it has value for your business if you use it right. READ OUR LINKEDIN TIPS |
LANDING PAGESWhat are landing pages? Do you need one for your website? How do you use them properly? READ MORE HERE |