Setup Google Webmaster tools
Submit sitemap, Track and measure the avg position, #impressions and #clicks for keywords from organic search. Monitor crawl errors and 404 page not found. (data for 30 days). Links to the website
Verify that you are the owner of the site
Share existing Adwords account (If you are currently running Adwords)
Share with and provide admin access
Obtain access to existing Google Analytics account or setup new account
Establish the baseline of the conversions
Share admin rights of existing Google Analytics account
Setup conversion tracking in Google analytics
Setup Enquiry Receipt tracking - Name = “Enquiry Receipt” Equal to - “/enquiryreceipt.html”
Setup Contact us page load - Name = “Contactus Page Load” Equal to: “/Contact+Us.html”
Test that your goals are tracking
Setup ecommerce conversion tracking if relevant
Simply turn it on under >Settings >View
Turn on internal search tracking
Under >Settings >View >View settings. Turn site search settings on then add “q” to the Query parameter
Create a new Analytics view “Clean view”
Keep a backup of all your standard metrics
Under Setting >View drop down >Select create new view. Set Reporting view name = “ - Clean View” Set time zone and set website address
Filter irrelevant traffic - Such as Zeald IP address and common crawlers such as buttons for
Go to google whats my ip address
Go to settings, under account click all filters
Add the ip address as a new filter
Then add it to a view - under Settings > View > Filters
Connect Webmaster tools to the Analytics account
To track the organic search position and keywords that are producing impressions and clicks.
Under Admin >Property >All Products Click Add Webmaster Tools
Connect Adwords to your Google Analytics account
To track the results of your pay per click advertising campaign.
Under Admin >Property >All Products Click Add Adwords