In the administration end of the website, click on the Items tab.
This will display the item tree by default. Click on the name of the category that you wish to add the item to, e.g. "Rubber Ducks". This row will expand to show you more options
Click on the option Add New Item
You will now see the Item Editor. A number will be displayed in the SKU field. If your item has a different product code, you must change it now by deleting the number and typing in whatever your code is (e.g. 99999). If your items don’t normally have specific codes, just leave the SKU number that has been generated by the website. The system needs a number as a unique identifier of the product
Next, type in the Title of the item or product. Remember to make it as descriptive and distinct from your other products as possible
The next field, URL Override, is only really needed when the name of your item includes characters other than letters, spaces and numbers, such as, ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) , : ; “ ‘ / ? . < > [ ] -
Next, type in the Short Description for the product. Remember to make this as descriptive as possible
Move down to the comment area and enter the Detailed Description for the product.
- You can either type this directly into the RTE, or
- If you have already prepared the text in another document, be it a Word document, a PDF or an existing website, you must use the Paste as Plain Text function
Click on the Paste as Plain Text button
A new window will open up
Click into the window and press the Control and V keys on your keyboard (Ctrl+V) at the same time to paste the text. Then click the OK button and you will see the text appear in the RTE without any formatting
You can then use the tools in the RTE to format the text, such as insert bullet points
The next option is whether to have the item Inactive or not
If you want the item to display on the front end of the website, select Active from the dropdown box. If you want the item to be hidden (ie. to not display on the front end of the website for the time being), select Inactive. This option can be changed at any time
Next you must upload an image. Click on the Select Images button
This will open up a new window, where you must click on the Upload button
This will open up another window that will give you access to all the files on your computer.
You need to navigate through the file system to find the image you wish to upload (this may be stored on your computer or on a disc, CD, or USB drive). Double-click on the file you wish to use or click on the Open button to choose the image The website content management system will now automatically re-size and optimize your image for display on your website. The larger the size of your file, the longer this will take. You will then see your image displayed in two sizes
If you wish to insert a large version of that same image for your website visitors to be able to zoom into, click the Browse button and follow the same process as before to navigate to the file you wish to use and select it
You will then see the file path displayed. Please note: The image itself will not be displayed!
Now type in the Price of your item. The standard price should go in the Product Price field. If you wish to allow some people to be able to see a lower price level, enter a VIP Price. You should not include a dollar sign ($)
If you will be charging an amount for freight based on weight, you must enter the Weight of the item in kilos (e.g. 0.5 to represent 500g). If your freight charges are not based on weight there is no need to enter a figure here
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