Setup Paystation

Paystation, a TradeMe company, is a local business used by thousands of New Zealanders. It offers both hosted and integrated payment gateway options, which in short means you can either cut the IT requirements on your end by letting Paystation host your gateway, or you can keep it all in-house (which does come with it extra bank and security requirements)
  1. Login to your website as an administrator
  2. Click on Preferences on the header
  3. Under General click on Payment
  4. In the "Payment Preferences" section, scroll down to see the "Other Payment Methods" and click on Configure all other payment method
  5. Scroll down to see the list of payment gateways under the 'Payment options' section. Select Paystation and click Save
  6. On the Checkout page, navigate to the checkout_payment component. Click the wrench icon to open the Checkout Payment settings page
  7. Under Settings, enter your Paystation ID and click on Save at the bottom of the page