Product Attributes Import

You can also import product attributes using spreadsheets. Product attributes allow you to specify ad-hoc labels & associated values against a product. These attributes are output on the product page and can be used for filtering products on a category page.

When importing or exporting, each attribute will have a unique column in the product spreadsheet for each unique product attribute
  • The column name is very important - it is formatted in a way to indicate what the system should set the label to. 

    If an attribute is not relevant to a product, leave it blank.
  • As with pricing, if lots of products have different attributes, it can be a good idea to break your product import into stages/groups - creating different sheets for products with similar attributes. This avoids a proliferation of attribute columns.
Advanced users may find it simpler to use a direct attribute importer if you have large attributes or a large variety across products. This is disabled by default but can be enabled by our team. Alternatively, you can attempt to manually navigate to the page by adding /admin/generic_import_export?controller=product_attributes to your domain name.

If you do an example export you will see a format similar to this: