Adding Google Adwords Conversion Tracking to thankyou page (for enquiries)

When you setup a Google Adwords campaign it is a good idea to setup conversion tracking so you can monitor just how many orders or enquiries are coming from your Adwords investment. With this data you can then calculate the cost per conversion or cost per sale and decide whether or not this method is really worthwhile. If setup correctly Google Adwords is a very effective method of marketing and can generate a high return on investment. If you would like to setup Adwords tracking for an ecommerce order conversion you should use the Adding Adwords tracking code to an order receipt page article

Step 1. Setup Google Adwords

Of course you cannot setup conversion tracking without a Google Adwords account. You can setup a Google Adwords account yourself or you can get us to help you with it

Step 2. Setup Conversion tracking with Google Adwords

Once you have setup your Adwords account and created your first campaign, you should then setup conversion tracking. You do of course need to think about all the different conversions you would like to track. For example a service based website might track enquiries. Perhaps signups to an email newsletter?
Because all conversions are not created equally, for example an order will be of greater value than a simple enquiry, you have the ability to give each conversion goal a separate value in $$. You might apply $100 for an email signup and just $20 for an enquiry.
You should setup separate conversion tracking for each conversion on your website
Learn how to setup Google Adwords Conversion tracking

Step 3. Add Google AdWords Conversion Tracking Code to the conversion 'thank you' page

Once you have setup your conversion tracking in Google Adwords, you will be asked by Google to "add Google AdWords Conversion Tracking Code between the body tags of the 'thank you' page seen by the web user after successfully completing the conversion Ie. submitting a Contact Us Email Form, placing an online order.

1. Find the conversion thankyou page

First of all you will need to find the relevant conversion thankyou page. All standard conversion thankyou pages are stored in the "Standard pages" category of the content tree. There are 4 standard conversion thankyou pages in the Zeald website system, depending upon which type of website you have purchased.
  • Place an order - Receipt
  • Submitting an online enquiry - Enquiry Receipt
  • Signup for email newsletter - Email opt in thankyou
  • Become a member - (currently not supported as standard)
  • Any custom page that you may have setup yourself
To find the relevant page, click on the "Content" tab at the top in your website manager. Under the content tree tab, open the "Standard Pages" category at the bottom of the list.

standard pages

This will drop down a number of different pages in your website.

standard pages toggled

Find the Thankyou page relevant to your conversion goal as specified above in the list.

For example if you are looking for the Thankyou page for the online enquiry submission, you will be looking for the "Email opt in thankyou"

email opt in thankyou

2. Add the code (you may need to contact Zeald Support for assistance)

  1. Select the relevant conversion thankyou page from the list and choose "live edit"email opt in thankyou
  2. Add an Editable Content Block.   editablecontentblock
  3. Click Embed Raw HTML file.  
    embed raw html file
  4. Paste the raw HTML code here, then click OK.  Embed html raw
  5. Click save. Congratulations you are all done :) You should go back to Google Adwords and test that the code has been installed correctly. Reload the "thankyou" page or better yet find a Google Adword ad and click on it and complete an order. Remember that Google Adwords may take up to 24 hours to update their reports

Would you like us to do this for you?

This operation is somewhat advanced and there is the risk that you "break your website" If you would prefer that one of our developers adds the tracking code for you, we can do this for you on a time & materials basis.