Import Products with Complex Pricing

Complex pricing is imported using additional columns in the normal product spreadsheet. Each column represents a different pricing level/tier. It includes quantity breaks, customer group assignments, and currency.

If a particular column doesn't apply to a product, then it can just be left empty. If there are many different quantity breaks or customer group tiers for different products, it is often best to import products in groups that have similar pricing levels to avoid ending up with tens or hundreds of pricing columns.

Tip: The easiest way to determine how the importer works / what format it expects is to set up a product as you want it to be imported and then export it. Then examine the resulting columns & data added to the excel spreadsheet.

To have an idea of what fields are needed to set up advance pricing. You can start by creating a product with advanced pricing

To know more about setting up advanced pricing click here.

Here is an example of a product with advanced pricing

Once you’ve successfully set up a product we will need to export it.

  1. Go to the product import/export tab under the items menu and click on
    Export Productscomplexpricing2
  2. This will download a spreadsheet to your computer. Open it and you will see the difference between a regular-priced product and a product with a complex price in the image below.
  3. Update your spreadsheet using a copy of your exported file.
    Test adding and importing 1 product to check if the results are as expected before doing a bulk import

Specialised pricing import/export

If there are lots of quantity breaks and/or pricing tiers - and especially if you add multi-currency into the mix, it can become quite cumbersome to try & get the exact columns & headings required. In this case, it is sometimes easier to do an explicit pricing import where you have columns for:

SKU - Stock Keeping Unit

Start - The Quantity Start on the advanced pricing page

End - The Quantity End on the advanced pricing page

Group - (empty for default - otherwise this needs to be the "code" of a customer group 
The group price ‘code’ can be found on the Customer Groups tab under Customers

Currency code - defaults to NZD unless specified otherwise

Price - the price of the item for different quantities


Importing & export pricing directly to the pricing tables is considered "advanced" and therefore we do not link it to the default menu system. However, if you request this from our team we can enable it. Alternatively, you can attempt to manually navigate to the page by adding /admin/generic_import_export?controller=pricing_advanced to your domain name.

This will take you to the Pricing-advanced Exporter page. Click on Export pricing_advanced to export your products with complex pricing.


Here is an example of the exported file

We recommend you export a spreadsheet first to get an idea of the expected format.

  • If updating existing rows, make sure you leave the uid column in & map it during the import process.
  • If adding new rows leave the uid field blank for that row & it will be assigned one.
  • Pricing is a "grid". So you need to ensure you have matching rows for different quantity levels/groups/currencies. If you add a quantity break for a particular group code, you will need to add rows for other rows.
  • Quantity must not have any gaps between 0 & 9999999. There also must not be any overlap. So if you have a row going from 0 to 10, the next must start at 11. If it doesn't have an upper limit, then set the upper limit to 9999999.
  • You can use this importer to set minimum and maximum order quantities. To see how to do this, set up a product in the administration that achieves this & then export it.

Be careful if using this tool as a bad import can really mess up your pricing - sometimes requiring us to restore your website (there is a cost associated with this). If in doubt, feel free to speak to our support team. See cleaning up after a bad import for more help.