In the website Manager, click on the
Content tab 
This will display the Content Tree by default. This corresponds to the Top level content menu tabs on the front end of your website, e.g.:
To edit an existing content page click on the page name then click on "Edit page".
Add new Top level content page
Click on the Add a new page button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen
The "new page" page will now pop-up. Select the parent page of the new page you want to create, (for a top level content page this is the home page).

Give the page a name and do not type anything into the URL Override text box. The website software will automatically fill this in
Next, insert your Content. Please refer to the
Rich Text Editor section if you are unsure how to go about this
Next, choose whether you would like to hide the page or not:
- If you would like the page to display on the front end of your website as a new top level content menu tab, select No
- If you would not like the page to display as a new top level content menu tab, select Yes - Please note: You will still be able to create links to this page so that it can be seen
- You will now see the page added to the Content Tree and the Top level content menu, eg.To save the page, click Save
Add new Sub-level page
Option 1:
- Click on Add a new page.

- Choose the parent page (the page above the new page).
- Follow the steps for creating a top-level content page.(step 3 to 8)
Option 2:
To add a new sub level content page click on top level page that you would like the new sub level page to display under. E.g. my new sub level page is going to be called "Meet the team" and i want this to display under the About us top level content page.
When you click on the top level page it will highlight it blue and display 6 links under it. Click on the
Add New Sub-page link

You will now see the content page editor. Type the title of the page into the Name text box, e.g. "Meet the Team"
Do not type anything into the URL Override text box (The website software will automatically fill this in, unless the Zeald Support Team has informed you that you must fill out this box)
Next, insert your content. Please refer to the
Manage Content section if you are unsure how to go about this
Next, choose whether you would like to Hide the page or not:
- If you would like the page to display on the Front end of your website as a new top level content menu tab, select No
- If you would not like the page to display as a new top level content menu tab, select Yes - Please note: You will still be able to create links to this page so that it can be seen
- You will be taken back to the content tree and if you click on the little + icon next to the top level page (e.g. About us) the item tree will drop down and display the new sub level page (e.g. Meet the team)Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Save button to save the page

Page Type Selector
The Page type selector allows you to choose what type of the page you want to add to your website. There are three types of page type that you can choose from
Content: a standard RTE content page
Collection: a content collection page
Markdown: a standard page with a markdown editor instead of RTE
When you select the page type the admin will present form fields to set and configure that are relevant to that type of page.
For a Collection, you can select what collection, specify filtering specific to that page etc.
Page Type
A Content page with a Rich Text editor
A content collection page that enables you the type of collection you want
Markdown Content
A Content page with a markdown editor instead of RTE
Duplicate existing content page
Sometimes you may find it easier to duplicate a content page, and then edit the copied version of the page. You may find it faster and easier to do this, as opposed to creating a new content page from the beginning and starting again.
To duplicate an existing page (this can even be done on the home page)
- In Website Manager mode, click on the Content tab to view the Content Tree.
- Find and click on the content page you wish to duplicate
- Click on Duplicate Page from the list of options

- Type in the New Page name (so you don't get confused with the original) and select the parent for the new duplicate page OR select Make this a top-level page
- Click Save and the duplicated page will be created
Things to be careful of if duplicating the home page: Please note - if you duplicate the home page - be careful to only change what is in the main content - if you change the footer or menu (or anything that shows on ALL pages of the website) it will change for all pages. It's only the content in the centre of the template which you can change.
Also, if you have duplicated the Home Page and hidden it to work on some changes - when you have finished making changes and are happy with the look of the hidden home page - there is no magic "switch" button to make it the live home page. The home page works differently to all the other pages and you must manually make each change to the live page by copying the new information over to the live page.
Changing the order of content pages
- In the administration end of the website, click on the Content tab

- You will see the Content Tree. Click on the name of the page that you wish to move, e.g. "About Us". This row will expand to show you more options

- Click the page and drag it to move a sub-page within a parent page.
- To view the changes in the front end, go to the front end of your website and refresh the page - either by clicking on the Refresh button at the top of your browser window
(Internet Explorer)
(Firefox) or pressing the F5 button on your keyboard and navigating to the page
Please note: Pages can only be moved within the same level. ie. If a top level content page is moved, then any sub-pages underneath it will be moved with it
- When you delete a page it is not permanently lost - although it will disappear from your website, you can find it under the Trash and restore it.