Sub-products (ecommerce+ only)

Sub products is an option property similar to Advanced Options.   However, instead of having sub-products automatically created for every combination of specified options, it lets you create specify your own variants or ad-hoc subproducts.  

A sub product uses a lot of the basic default information from the product such as its main product description, title etc etc, but as with advanced options, you can specify some individual information for each sub product.

So this is the most flexible of the lot - for example I could have a T-Shirt that has 3 flavors available:

  • Zeald Blue with Gold trim
  • Zeald Blue Polo - White collar
  • Zeald Green Check shirt
You'll have complete flexibility as to what the sub-product will be called, priced as, how many stocks left, what product picture to use, etc.  But this will all appear under one product.  

subproducts frontend


Subproduct vs Advanced Options

Sub-products are used when the options of a product are distinct products in their own right, with different SKU's, quantity, pricing, images and so-on. However they differ from advanced options in that they do not need to be organised into options and variations.  Instead you can add any arbitrary combination of sub-products that you like.


Managing Subproducts

NOTE:   This option is only available for ecommerce+.  

To activate the Subproducts option:
  1. 1.  Select an item in the item list.  
  2. Click Option Properties.  
    Option properties
  3. Select Sub-products.  
    select subproducts
  4. Select a display option.
    view options

    This is what Single (Combined) Select Box looks like on the website:

    view checkbox

    This is what a Single (Combined Checkbox Options) looks like on the website:
    view dropbox
  5. Click Save.  

To edit variation details (SKU, Title, Inventory, Price, Weight and preferred image): 
  1. Click the Pencil icon beside the item.  
  2. Enter your preferred details and click Save.  
    Edit variations
  3. Click Save.