Setting up options for an item

  1. Locate the item that you wish to add options using website edit mode, the item tree or the item list.
  2. Edit the item to open the Item editor page as an editable form.
  3. Check that the item price has been entered into the Price input box. If not, enter it in and Save the item before setting up options.
  4. Click on the Options tab 1 optiontab. This will display the Select option type and / or enable options page. The default selection is ‘no options’. Click on the Simple options radio button
  5. A new dropdown box will appear, Display options on the website as several options will be chosen by default. Click on Save
  6. This will display the Configure Simple options page. Click on New Option
  7. Enter the name for the option (e.g. "Colour") into the input box and the chose a label
    Please note: The select box labeled "Display on Website as" specifies front end web site user may make their selection from the available option variations. You can safely leave it set as Select box (this is just another name for a dropdown box)
  8. Now you can enter option variations. There are always two blank rows to begin with (and option without two variations doesn't make much sense)
  9. As an example, we might wish to enter 3 variations for our colour option, which are as follows; 
    • White
    • Blue
    • Green
    These are the variations that will display for the option Colour in the front end of the website
  10. To enter the first variation into the input box labelled Variation enter the label by which your users will know the first variation, for instance White *Please note in the Label fields do not use special characters such as " $ % &)
  11. If the variation does not involve a change of price, leave the Price difference box set to zero and the input box to the right of it, blank. Otherwise if your option is more expensive than the base product, choose "+" here and enter how much to add to the base price when the customer chooses this option.  Similarly choose "-" if the option reduces the price of the base product
  12. Into the input box labeled Internal code, you can enter a code for the variation. The code may be a letter or a number
    Please note: It does not display in the front end but is used by the system to record the information for the option variation
  13. You can add a new variation by clicking on the New Value button
  14. When you have created all the variations you require, click on the Save button to save the changes
  15. The popup box will disappear and the main option page will reload to show you changes

Setting price differences between variations

Should the variations involve a change in price, this is controlled by the Price difference dropdown and input boxes. For example, if the green variation is the cheapest at a cost of $5.00 and the white variation costs 10.00 then the price difference for the white variation is $5.00
  1. To set this, click on the Price difference dropdown in for the white variation. Click on the + symbol
  2. In the input box to the right of the dropdown box, enter the amount by which the item price has increased on the base price
  3. When you have created all the options you require and set any necessary price differences, click on the Save button

Delete an option

Warning! Once deleted, options are not retrievable! Be sure you are deleting the correct option!
  1. Click on the Items tab
  2. Click on the Options tab
  3. This will display all the options that have been set up for the item
  4. To delete an option, click the red cross  next to the option

Delete an option variation

  1. To delete a variation from an item option, click on the Items tab
  2. Click on the Options tab
  3. This will display the Select option type and / or enable options page. This will display all the options that have been set up for the item and their variations
  4. Click on the option whose variations you want to edit: the option editor popup will open
  5. To delete a variation for an option, click on the red cross icon  to the right of the Price difference input box. The variation will be deleted
  6. When you have performed all the required deletions, click on the Save button to save the changes.

Add an option variation

  1. To add a new variation to an item option, click on the Items tab
  2. Click on the Options tab
  3. This will display the Select option type and / or enable options page. This will display all the options that have been set up for the item and their variations
  4. Click on an option to edit the variations
  5. To add a new variation for an option, click the New Value button
  6. This will create another row into which you can enter the new variation details
    Please note: The variation's Internal code may be any combination letter or a number. It does not display in the front end but is used by the system to record the information for the option variation
  7. Into the input box labeled Label enter the new variation. e.g. if the option name is colour, the variations may be white, blue or green etc. *Please note in the Label fields do not use special characters such as " $ % &)
  8. If the variation does not involve a change of price, leave the Price difference box set to zero and the input box to the right of it, blank
  9. If the variation does involve an increase in price, click on the Price difference dropdown. If the variation is less than the usual item price click on the - symbol, if it is more click on the + symbol. Enter the amount by which the item price has decreased / increased below / above the base price into the input box to the right of the dropdown box
  10. When you have created all the variations you require, click on the Save button to save the changes.