Set up Cross-sell products

  1. Click on the Items tab
  2. To add a cross-sell to an item, you need to find it in the item tree and click on it
    Please note: It may be necessary to click on the plus icon  next to the item category to view all the items assigned to the category
  3. This will highlight the item and display the options that may be performed with regard to it. Click on the Edit item link
  4. Select the Cross-sells tab crosssell
  5. Click on the blue "Select Items" button, click the + to open each category and click on each item to select and then click the green OK button.
  6. Please note: you can select several items at once prior to clicking the OK button., but usually only 2, 3 or 4 will be shown at one time. These will be randomly chosen from the list you have selected
  7. When you have finished editing the cross-sell SKUs field be sure to click the OK button to save your changes
  8. The cross sell items will now display on the page 
  9. Click Save

How to adjust the Cross Sell Preferences

If you view your website from the front - click on "show editing tools" at the top and then click on the editing pencil just above the cross sell section normally called "Horizontal Cross Sell". Once you click that you will see the following options to change:


Fill out as required and then click save.