Problems logging into Domain & Email Manager?

Your Domain & Email Manager account controls all of your domain name and domain name emails.

Forgotten your password?

If you are having problems logging into your Domain & Email manager account, please click on the Reset link on the login page.
  • Enter your domain name, and we will send a password reset email to the primary email address associated with the domain manager account
  • Our system will advise which email address the password reset instructions have been sent to. Follow the instructions to reset your password

Haven't been issued with a password?

  • Follow the same steps above (under Forgotten your password) and you can receive your password

The password reset email has been sent to somebody else?

  • The primary email address should be the person authorized to make changes to your domain name and domain name emails. If this is not you, you will need to speak with that person to setup or make changes to your domain or domain name emails.

There is no way to access the password reset email

  • If this email address is not accessible, you will need to call Support, and after we verify you are authorized to have access, we will update the contact details for your Domain & Email manager account.