Advanced pricing allows you to give different prices for a product to different customer groups (sometimes this is called "Price Levels" in other systems), and also to change the price for different quantity ranges the customer may purchase (sometimes called "Bulk Pricing" or "Price Breaks" in other systems)
- To access advanced pricing for an item, edit the item and then click the "Advanced Pricing" tab

- You then need to enable advanced pricing. Choose "Enabled" from the dropdown box

- This will display the advanced pricing editor

To add quantity pricing
- Click the "Add a quantity range" button

- This will add a new quantity row. It will also show an error message, as until you enter a value in the "Quantity End" for this price bracket it makes now sense
- Now enter the quantity end appropriately. To change the "Quantity start" you need to edit the "Quantity End" of the previous quantity range. Once you have finished enter the quantity ranges the red message will disappear.
- Then enter prices for that quantity range
- To delete a quantity range, click the delete icon,
at the start of that row
- Select the group you want to add from the drop-down box in the top right. Note that if you have an E-Commerce website as opposed to E B2B you will only be able to select the VIP group (as E-Commerce only supports two price levels). B2B customers can select any customer group.

- Enter prices for this group

- To delete a customer group price, click the delete icon,
in the column header for the group price.
Customers in multiple groups
If a customer belongs to multiple groups and each group has a pricing structure for it, the customer will see the items with their cheapest price offered to them
For example :
Product A is $5 for Group X, $10 for Group Y
Product B is $20 for Group X and $15 for Group Y
If a customer belongs to both Group X and Group Y, the customer will see the items with their cheapest price offered to them, the customer will see Product A for $5 and product B for $15